Now a film, “Knocking on Heaven’s Door,” by George Carey, and a book, “
The Russian Cosmists: The Esoteric Futurism of Nikolai Fedorov and His Followers,” by George M. Young, make Russian Cosmism much more accessible to a Western audience.
The Russian Cosmist scientific, philosophical, and spiritual movement
of the late 19th and early 20th century, was not well known in the West
until recently. Most Cosmist writings are not available in other
languages, and many aspects of Cosmist thinking were frowned upon in the
Soviet era before 1991. Though Russian Cosmism is one of my main
inspirations and one of the foundations of my own worldview, I am unable
to read the original texts because I don’t speak Russian. Fortunately,
there are more and more popular and scholarly works dedicated to Russian
Cosmism. Now a film, “Knocking on Heaven’s Door,” [Carey 2011] by
George Carey, and a book, “
The Russian Cosmists: The Esoteric Futurism of Nikolai Fedorov and His Followers,” [Young 2012] by George M. Young, make Cosmism much more accessible to a Western audience.
I recommend watching George Carey‘s film “Knocking on Heaven’s Door,”
aired by the BBC on the 50th “Yuri’s Night,” 50 years after Yuri
Gagarin’s pioneering flight to space, to all those who are interested in
space, the history of the Russian space program, the amazing beautiful
philosophy known as Russian Cosmism, our place and future in the
universe, technological immortality, and resurrection.
The film captures the popular enthusiasm for space in the Soviet
Union of the 60s. We had the same enthusiasm in the West at the time,
and God knows we could use it now, all over the planet.
I think we can look, again, at the Cosmist philosophy to renew our
enthusiasm and drive with beautiful and energizing cosmic visions, and
to remember that wonderful adventures are waiting for us in outer space.
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, the founding father of astronautics, was a
brilliant scientist and engineer, but his motivation and drive came from
his philosophical convictions, his belief in humanity’s destiny to
leave the Earth and colonize the universe, and his vision of a deep
unity between man and the cosmos.
Today, following the Cosmist tradition, Russia has a lively
transhumanist community and Singularity scene, with the only operational
cryonics facility not in the U.S., and the Global Futures 2045
conferences dedicated to immortality and mind uploading.
Carey’s film features Gagarin, Russian scientists and space
engineers, Tsiolkovsky and many other Cosmist thinkers, but the real
protagonist is Tsiolkovsky’s mentor, the Cosmist mystic Nikolai Fedorov.
He was one of the first modern thinkers who dared to suggest that, some
day, science and technology may be able to resurrect the dead and bring
back to life every person who ever lived.
Fedorov suggested that science was a tool given to us by God to
enable us to resurrect the dead and, as promised, enjoy immortal life.
He added that because the Earth could not sustain a population that
never died, we must first learn to conquer space. His ideas about human
evolution, and in particular the idea that humans should take control of
the process and direct it towards their own goals, inspired generations
of Russian scientists and led directly to contemporary transhumanism.

Fedorov thought that the physical resurrection is to be brought about
by restoring the body to a condition that existed prior to death. A
person is made up of atoms, and when a person dies these (finitely many)
particles are scattered. Resurrection of the person occurs as a
consequence of restoring the atoms to their previous arrangement. To
carry out the resurrection it is necessary to determine what this
arrangement was and then to reposition the particles. This is a problem
to be solved by science rather than by appeals to an outside power.

His resurrection theory reflects 19th-century models of the universe
and seems naive today. New technological resurrection theories based on
contemporary science have been proposed, for example by R. Michael Perry
[Perry 2000] and Frank Tipler [Tipler 1994]. But Perry’s and Tipler’s
approaches, and mine, will probably seem equally naive to future
scientists. Fedorov must be credited for the idea of technological
resurrection, and we, his followers, are happy to see that many people
are warming up to his vision. Following Fedorov, future scientists will
scan the fabric of spacetime to find the dead, and bring them back to
Of course the super-science of technological resurrection, perhaps
based on weird quantum physics (the term “Quantum Archeology” is often
used), may not be developed until a very far future, perhaps thousands
of years. But why hurry? To us, subjectively, no time will pass between
death and resurrection. In the meantime, the Cosmist philosophy can give
us the positive, solar optimism that we need.
Yuri Detail -by Tyler Jacobson
Nikolay Fedorov was the illegitimate son of a Russian nobleman called
Gagarin – Pavel Gagarin, Fedorov’s father, was not related to Yuri
Gagarin the first cosmonaut, but this is an interesting coincidence to
say the least. The film shows many aspects and protagonists of the the
Russian space program and the young Soviet icon and folk hero Yuri
Gagarin, but it’s centered on Fedorov’s ideas and legacy. In his “cosmic
garden” Valery Borisov, a colorful Cosmist with a cowboy attire and an
encyclopedic knowledge of Fedorov’s life and times, explains Fedorov’s
ideas in a nutshell:
“Fedorov believed that science must help realize God’s
plan for man’s salvation and for the resurrection of mankind. Christ
said: what I have created, you must create too – and go further. What
was it that Christ did? He rose from the dead. Literally, Christ was
telling us to accomplish our own resurrection. Not to wait for some
mystical event but to meet God halfway. Fedorov said if we resurrect
everybody, they won’t all fit on Earth. And he said wisely: ‘In the
Cosmos, abodes aplenty will appear.’ That’s why we need the Cosmos. The
Cosmos offers empty planets where resurrected people will settle, and
from there, direct the workings of the universe.”
The cover of the book "The Will of the Universe. Intellect Unknown. Mind and Passions" by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, 1928
We follow Carey to ISRICA, the Institute for Scientific Research in
Cosmic Anthropoecology in Novosibirsk, and follow experimental sessions
in a “Kozyrev Mirror” built to test the controversial theories of
astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev – technology aided meditation may unlock
the latent shaman in us, and let us communicate with the Cosmos. This
part of the film shows the strong spiritual, New Age component of
Cosmism, strongly emphasized by many Cosmist thinkers, but condemned by
the Soviet regime. On the opposite side of the Cosmist galaxy, Danila
Medvedev, the young transhumanist director of the cryonics provided
Kriorus, proposes a hardline materialistic approach to immortality,
based on advanced technologies and mind uploading, with no concessions
to spirituality.
Young’s book, “
The Russian Cosmists: The Esoteric Futurism of Nikolai Fedorov and His Followers,”
[Young 2012], is a very intense mini encyclopedia with a lot of short
biographical, literary and philosophical entries about main and lesser
known Cosmist thinkers, all influenced by Fedorov’s seminal work.
Fedorov himself published almost nothing, but his most important works
were collected by his followers and published after his death as “
The Philosophy of the Common Task”
[Fedorov 1990]. The author George M. Young, a professor of Russian
language and literature, dedicated decades of research to this book, a
complete and authoritative reference that, I hope, will make Cosmism
much better known in the Western world.
Young emphasizes the Russianness of Cosmism, the vastness of Russian
land and history as a unique stage for the emergence of a system of
thought so vast and daring to encompass both science and religion in a
synergistic whole. The Russian cultural identity is part of the common
ground that holds Cosmism together.
Surprisingly, even Soviet bureaucrats were intrigued by Fedorov’s ideas on technological resurrection:
“Revolutionary immortality meant that individuals would
die, but The People for whom the individual died would live on forever,
and through inevitable progress in science and labor, The People of the
future would eventually restore life to the sacrificed individuals…
Lenin, waiting in his glass coffin, would be the first resurrected by
Like Carey, Young shows the diversity of the Cosmist galaxy, and the
many co-existing scientific, philosophical, religious, spiritual, as
well as esoteric, shamanistic, gnostic approaches:
“Main themes in Cosmist thought include the active human
role in human and cosmic evolution; the creation of new life forms,
including a new level of humanity; the unlimited extension of human
longevity to a state of practical immortality; the physical resurrection
of the dead; serious scientific research into matters long considered
subjects fit only for science fiction, occult, and esoteric literature;
the exploration and colonization of the entire cosmos; the emergence on
our biosphere of a new sphere of human thought called the ‘noosphere';
and other far reaching ‘projects:’ some of which may no longer seem as
impossible or crazy as they did when first proposed in the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.”
Anton Vidokle, film still from “This is Cosmos” (2014) (courtesy of the artist)
In her introduction to a valuable anthology of Cosmist thought
published in I993, contemporary Cosmist Svetlana Semenova identifies the
core Cosmist idea, active evolution:
“[The] idea of active evolution, i.e., the necessity for a
new conscious stage of development of the world, when humanity directs
it on a course which reason and moral feeling determine, when man takes,
so to say, the wheel of evolution into his own hands …. Man, for
actively evolutionary thinkers, is a being in transition, in the process
of growing, far from complete, but also consciously creative, called
upon to overcome not only the outer world but also his own inner
Active evolution, taking the future of our species in our hands and
steering it toward cosmic transcendence, is also the core idea of
transhumanism, of which the Russian Cosmists must be considered as
direct precursors. Critics say that active evolution is “against God’s
will,” but the Cosmist insight is that, on the contrary, radical active
evolution IS God’s will. One of Fedorov’s favorite Bible passages was:
‘Truly, truly I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works
that I do; and greater works than those will he do.’ (John 14:12, RSV).
Young refers to “Fedorov’s active, forceful, masculine Christianity” – a
Christianity of action, to become more like God.
Carey, George (2011). “Knocking on Heaven’s Door – Space Race.”
Storyville. BBC. Web. <>.
Fedorov, N. F., Elisabeth Koutaissoff, and Marilyn Minto (1990).
What Was Man Created For?: The Philosophy of the Common Task : Selected Works. London: Honeyglen, 1990.
Young, George M. (2012).
The Russian Cosmists: The Esoteric Futurism of Nikolai Fedorov and His Followers. New York: Oxford UP, 2012.
Perry, R. Michael (2000).
Forever for All: Moral Philosophy, Cryonics, and the Scientific Prospects for Immortality. Universal Publishers, 2000.
Tipler, Frank J. (1994).
The Physics of Immortality. New York: Random House, 1994.
See also on Urania:
My interview with the Russian cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev:
See also:
Russian Cosmism: Modern and Contemporary Art Exhibition and Auction at Erarta Galleries London
Interview with Maxim Boxer, curator of the exhibitionin London: